
What We Do

Industrial Services


We maintain, troubleshoot and repair all heating, cooling and ventilation systems including air-conditioners, exhaust systems, compressors and pumps, chilled water systems and water heating systems. We offer 24/7 emergency call out services and handle everything from repair of air-conditioning and water heaters to troubleshooting and maintenance of entire systems.

We also provide annual maintenance contracts that include maintenance of all mechanical systems. 

ceiling, home, inner
electrician, wiring, installation


We maintain, troubleshoot and repair all electrical and power supply systems including wiring, lighting, telecom, data, alarm and surveillance systems. We offer 24/7 emergency call out services and handle everything from replacement of light-sources and repair of faulty thermostats to troubleshooting and maintenance of whole system.

We also provide annual maintenance contracts that include maintenance of all mechanical systems.


We maintain, troubleshoot and repair all plumbing systems dealing with potable water, heated water, sewerage, rainwater collection and storage. We offer 24/7 emergency call out services and handle everything from smaller water leakages and clogging issues to troubleshooting and maintenance of entire systems.

In addition, we also provide annual maintenance contracts that include maintenance of all mechanical systems. 

shower, bathroom, plumbing
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